PR initiatives are a key part of any good marketing plan and with good reason. Media mentions typically have a lot more street cred than paid advertising, and on top of that they come without the hefty price tag. So pretty much the coolest way to market your product or service, right? Once you have secured a clipping or two make the most of it and be sure that people see them! Have the clippings formatted into a consistent template and post them on Facebook or Twitter, use them for press kits, frame them in your office and keep a soft copy on hand to attach with any future proposals or pitches.

Pictured above are two fantastic organizations that have been very successful in garnering media attention: Operation Shower is a non-profit organization that honors military families and the sacrifices they make by throwing baby showers and with “showers in a box” for pregnant or expecting military families. Cubes&Crayons is an innovative company in Mountain View, CA that couples flexible office space with drop in infant and childcare onsite.